My Autobiography


Hello everyone!!! 

My name is María José Segovia, I’m 25 years old. I study Plastic Arts at the University of Chile, currently in my fourth year.

I was born in Santiago and all my life I have lived here.
Now I live with my mom my grandmother and my 3 cats … Pepa, Lola and Bototo. Pepa and Lola are sisters and young, Bototo it’s the oldest, he is 11 years old.

I do have “real” brothers (apart from my cats), two actually. I´m the middle sister, my older sister is a forest engineer and my younger brother is trying to study for the PSU, but he is a little lazy.
In my spare time I like to watch cult films, especially those by David Cronenberg or Tim Burton. I also really like listening to music, my favorite artist is Kraftwerk, it's a retro/electronic music style. And I also like the dead metal how Morbid Angel.

When I have time, I like to maintain my workspace in order, I feel that I work better in organized spaces and my ideas flow more, and as well go to exhibitions and art galleries
I like to cook for my family and my loved ones, mainly vegetarian food. More salty than sweet, but my boyfriend always asks me more sweet things than salty, he loves cakes.

I have been in artistic study for a long time since before university. I studied at an artistic school and likewise took the basic cycle taught by the university.
What I have learned has helped me create a great passion for what I do and desire to continue in this for many years to come.

They are kraftwerk

And he is Cronenberg with the fly.


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